The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

1. 16 MORNING. Las Angeles Me Times SEPTEMBER 17, TPART I.T WEDNESDAY' CARD OF THANKS Mother and I wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our during many friends recent who bereavement, kind also to for the us beauour ciful floral offerings. F. R.



EDWARDS BROTHERS INC. 936 Venice SERVICE. Boulevard (16th st.) WE. 8283 ECONOMY, RELIABILITY PAUL D. ROBINSON 1001 West Washington.

WE. 1001. E. CLAIR OVERHOLTZER CO. "The Golden Rule Undertakers WE.

6147 1236 South Grand. GLASBAND GROMAN 901 WEST WASHINGTON. WE. 1231. 921 Venice Boulevard 2039.


TELEPHONE Albany 1121. INGLEWOOD PARK Cemetery LARGEST IN CALIFORNIA MausoleumTelephone PLeasant 3144. BEAUTIFUL HOLLYWOOD Cemetery Mausoleum Crematory The Cemetery Without a Salesman, 6000 Santa Monica Blvd. HEmstead 3830. HOllywood 8455.

ROSEDALE CEMETERY Permanent -Beautiful Cemetery, Crematory, Columbarium, Vault. 1831 WEST WASHINGTON. RE. 8507. MAUSOLEUMS ANGELES ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Close-by Los Angeles on Long Beach Bird.

Crypts Priced as low as $135. Visitors welcome. Office. 603 Central Bide. Telephone TUcker 9532 GRAVES and crypts, any cemetery, cheap.

Memorial Sales VA. 4570. Federal Officer Victim of Fatal Auto Accident SAN BERNARDINO, Sept. Knocked from his automobile when it was side-swiped by another car at a busy intersection, H. H.

Hunt, Federal Forest Service executive, was instantly killed last night. Hunt's body was struck by an automobile driven by Mrs. Olivia Johnson. His Skull was crushed. Mrs.

Johnson, overcome with grief, was unable to explain the accident. The driver of a third car, E. A. Newton, told officers that her car dE had struck Hunt's machine a glancing blow when he attempted to turn into street, off Ninth. Hunt was thrown out of his car, his head striking the radiator of Mrs.

Johnson's automobile, Newton said. The two cars skidded across the street and struck Newton's machine. He, however, escaped uninjured. An inquest will be conducted tomorrow by Deputy Coroner Dennis Ralphs. Hunt was a veteran of twenty-five years in the forest service and was formerly on the staff of the Angeles and Santa Barbara National forests.

He was in charge of all surveys for cabin sites and recreational projects in the San Bernardino Forest. He was 67 years of age, and is survived by the widow, Mrs. Lora Hunt, and a son, Spencer. LA CRESCENTA SCHOOL MERGER IS PROPOSED LA CRESCENTA, Sept. Members of La Crescenta district school board tomorrow will meet with members of the Glendale Union High School and the Glendale elementary school boards, to confer with officials of State Department of Education regarding the proposed survey to be made of the three districts.

The survey is expected to determine the practicability of La Crescenta district with the two Glendale districts. The financial status of the districts, present school facilities, the future increases in enrollment, and other matters that might affect the consolidation, will be gone into before the survey is completed. All three boards have asked for the survey. North Glendale virtually has grown into Crescenta area. It is believed La Crescenta schools will profit largely in matter of better facilities 11 the merger is brought about.

NEW PACKING HOUSE FOR LEMON RANCH SANTA PAULA, Sept. though no definite plans have been made at the present time, a packing-house to handle the packing and shipping of oranges for the Limoneira company will be built near the present lemon house of the campany, it was stated by officials of the company last night. The cost of the new project has not been definitely estimated nor the exact location for packinghouse decided, it was stated. At the present time the Limoneira company has about 700 acres of oranges. About 500 of these acres are interplanted stock at the Del Mar ranch, a branch of the company, several miles west of Saticoy.

The present crop of the company's oranges are handled by the Mupu Citrus Association here. Picking is still under way. PALM TREE IN BLOOM AT ONTARIO ONTARIO, Sept. interest has been aroused 1 in the community over the "unusual" behavior of a fan-palm at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

William Siemon, 657 West street. This palm has out into a galaxy of blooms, for the first time since the Siemons moved into the house twenty-four years now blooms bears resembling hundreds of those cream- white elderberry. According to old-timers of Ontario, the fan-palm tree is quite common in this community, but in only a few rare cases have they I known of them bearing blossoms. NOTICIAS MUNDIALES DE ULTIMA NOTAS TELEGRAFICAS Los Yanquis Combaten con los SHANGHAI, Septiembre -El de la marina de los Estados Unidos, tuvo hoy un breve encuentro con los comunistas que han estado haciendo fuego contra las barcos extranjeros desde las riberas del rio Yangtze, entre Klukiang Shasi. El contraalmirante Thomas Craven, jefe de la I patrulla norteamericana de Yangtze, qua disparara el Los yanquis no tuvieron baja ninguna, se ignora las que producirian entre los rojos los disparos hechos por el Cuando se hallaba el a veinticinco millas rio arriba de Wusueh, en la provincia de Hupeh, los forajidos 1o atacaron con artilleria de campo morteros de tinta minutos, quince chera.

La escaramuza cuarenduro, millas del rio. El barrio la ribera norte proyectiles de tres pulgadas con ametralladoras. Machos Millares de Indios en la BOMBAY, Septiembre de 25,000 nacionalistas en la carcel, dice un anuncia de la organizadora del partido del Congreso Panindio. Bengala Va a la cabeza con 6000 presos. La de las sentencias han sido por de las medidas adaptadas por el gobierno para vencer la de desobediencia civil inaugurada por Mahatma Gandhi en su lucha contra el yugo en India.

Dicen los nacionalistas que en varias partes del muchos presos del orden han sido dados libres para que dejen lugar 8 los presos politicos. Los funcionarios del gobierno, con todo, desmienten este aserto, dicen que es exagerado el de reclusos que citan 105 nacionalistas, ya que centenares de siendo puestos en libertad a cada momento, sin exigirles que una verbal al Estado por su comportamiento en el momento de la Cambia de el Presidente del LIMA Septiembre Augusto B. Leguia, presidente derrocado del que va a ser sometido a. juicio por presuntos delitos cometidos su fue trasladado hoy de la isla penal de San Lorenzo a la penitenciaria Lima. lo fue su hijo Juan, encarcelado como Se hallan a la de la junta militar que actualmente gobierna el Peru.

El Presidente Hoover Charla con Bobby Jones golf. Se Abre una en lo del Choque de Contratorpederos WASHINGTON, Septiembre El presidente de los Unidos el rey de los jugadores de golf se pusieron hoy al habla en la Casa Blanca. Robert T. Jones, libre yanqui de aficionados que va de camino al torneo de aficionados I norteamericanos, se detuvo aqui fue saludado por el presidente Hoover, quien le todo en su tentativa de hacerse de la cuarta gran corona de jugadores de Angeles. Floridano Detenido por Callejera a Balazos WASHINGTON, Septiembre Los cazatorpederos Hatfield Sands resultaron con en una que sufrieron la noche del viernes frente Newport (Rhode Island).

La Marina hizo conocer hoy el accidente, al anunciar que el vicealmirante Arthur L. jefe de la escuadrilla de contratorpederos de la flota exploradora, ha dado de que las causas del dora. No accidente hubo una desgracias junta investiga- personales en el siniestro. Ambos barcos fueron despachados al Astillero de York para su El Hatfleld navega a las del de coberta R. D.

Kirkpatrick, de Dotham (Alabama), El Sands lo manda el de fragata V. J. Dixon, de Los Eberhardt, publicista de Tallahassee, ha poco exonerado de la de haber consnirado para que fuese asesinado el gobernador Doyle E. Carlton, ha disparado ahora en callejera contra O. L.

Bankston, de Crestview (Florida), una herida. Los testigos oculares dicen que Bankston una esquina a Eberhardt lo El publicista, entonces, una pistola, Bankston herido en una al intentar desviar el arma nano, Eberhardt. Este dijo a las autoridades que no a su asaltante, se le ocurria ninguna por lo haya agredido. El, Bankston, J. M.

Harvel, quien se ha visto aqui en de Bankston, fueron detenidos para instruir un sumario. NOTAS LOCALES G. A. Barth Sucumbe de Improviso Gus A. Barth, investigador veterano de la de esta cludad, ha repentinamente ayer a las 3 a.m.

en su casa, calle Cincuenta Nueve, Oeste, 156. Atribuye su viuda la muerte un ataque cardiaco. Barth, despedido poco de nombrado a la Procuraduria el sefor Johnson, el mes pasado, sido reintegrado en su puesto, iba a comenzar a trabajar ayer informa Johnson. Niega este que hublera habido ninguna de peculado contra Barth. Era el difunto veterano de la Guerra pertenecia a directiva de varias sociedades Todavia no se ha dado noticia de los funerales del Barth.

SINUS TROUBLE CATARRH, DEAFNESS Thermoelectrotherapy Safe and Effective Treatment That Gives Relief Without Drugs or Operation. No Instruments--No Pain. Try It FREE For Deafness, Head Noises, Discharge from Ears. Sunken Drums, Adenoids, Infected Tonsils, Sinuses, Catarrh, Chronic Sore Throat. Tumors, Enlarged Glands, Pain in Head.

Ear Aches, eta. Free one week only. Call at 356 SOUTH BROADWAY. 0. T.

Johnson Room 710. Hours: to Sundays, 10 to 12; Wednesdays, 10 A.m. to 8 p.m. 0000 00000 000 0 00000 0 0 0 000 0 00 codas DOING Sunshine Club. Columbla Cirele, Hall, Ladles the G.A.R.

meeting. Patriotic 1816 South Figueroa, Juncheon, all day. clubhouse, 833 South City Spring Club street, noon. Mrs. F.

0. McCulloch will speak on "What Should the Governor's Educational Commission Los Angeles Electrical Dealers' Do, dinner, Commercial Club, evening. Optimist Club luncheon. Biltmore, noon. Constitution Day services B.P.O.E, No.

Elks Temple, opposite Westlake Park, p.m. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Mary Ann Spencer Tent No. 29 meeting. Patriotic Hall. 1816 South Figueroa street, 1 p.m.

Kiwanis Club luncheon. Biltmore, noon. Los Angeles Round Table luncheon, Alexandria. 12:15 p.m, Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club meeting, University Club, noon. Southwest Museum exhibit.

Highland Park. afternoon. Los Angeles Museum exhibit, Exposition Park. 10 a.m, to noon. Free permanent California exhibit.

State Exposition Building, Exposition Park. 10 a.m. to: noon. Free lawn bowling. Exposition Park, daily after 1 p.m.

Los Angeles County exhibit. Chamber of Commerce Building. 8:30 a.m. to 5.p.m. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.

San Marino. Open to the public by ticket from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdass: also first and third Sundays of each month. Baseball, Wrigley Field, 8:15 p.m.

Missions vs. Los Angeles. Wrestling. Olympic Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Bob McCoy VS.

Bill Shaw and Everett Marshall V8. Joe Malcewicz. THEATER GUIDE MOTION PICTURES Bard's, Eighth between Broadway and Hill- Love Among the Millionaires." Clara Bow glyes and takes in the upper circles. Boulevard, Washington at Blushing A box-office hit about the Cinderella shop-girl theme. Joan Crawford.

California, Main near de "Paramount on in Spanish, with some new native players added to the cast. Carthay Carthay film play of quality and delight with Ann Harding at her best in defense of south. Chinese, 6925 Hollywood "Hell's It took Howard Hughes four years and $4.000.000 to produce the colossus of the air: and it was worth it. Criterion. 642 South Quiet on the Western Front." Erich Remarque's masterpiece of the war receives splendid Lew Ares.

Essptian, Hollywood the Defense." A powerful film of law and crime. William Powell. Figueroa, Figueroa at Santa Big House." An exciting account of prison life, with Wallace Beery. Filmarte, 1228 North Vine of Algiers." A mad mix-up good and evil and a lot of other nonsense. Forum, Pico at Norton- Lights." Dorothy Mackail in some fast doings of the big city.

Loew's State, Broadway at Us. Be Gay." Norma Shearer again scintillates for society and wins back her husband. Majestic, Bdwy, at Pages." Elsie Ferguson plays a modern Portia and to good effect. Million Dollar, Broadway at A story of an island prison featuring Jack Holt as one of those masculine heroes. Pantages.

Hollywood at Paramount, Hill a at Go Native." A fantasia of gay nonsense, provided mostly by Jack Oakle. President Theater, Broadway Eighth- Berth of Nation." Opens tonight. Ritz, Wilshire at La Brea-'Manslaughter." Plain and fancy dramatics by the Lovely Claudette Colbert. R.K.O.. Hill at Eighth- "Last of the Lone Bert Lytell in 8 somewhat old-fashioned intrigue of court jewels and whatnot.

R.K.0., Orpheum, Broadway at a or. Nonsense in wild delightful disorder by Joe Cook. United Artists. Broadway, near a A lightning farce that somehow forgets to be funny, Gloria Swanson. Tower, Bdwy.

alt of the Children." A sympathetic scene of a family struggle poignantly interpreted by Mann, Uptowne. Western at Warners'. Downtown, Hill at SeventhMar." Walter Huston parading fiendish grin in Porter Emerson Browne's old western epic. Warner's Hollywood, Hollywood Blvd. at Wilcox- "Girl of the Golden Ann Harding again excels in this medieval melodrama, STAGE Belasco, Hill at 11th- "It's Wise A splendid cast enacts this modera treatment of an old theme.

Recommended to those who take comedy with grain of salt and lots of pepper. Biltmore, Fifth and Grand- Dishonored A rather disconcerting drama, enacted, however, by an exceedingly capable cast headed the glamorous Katharine Cornell. EL Capitan. Hollyw'd Blvd. nr.

Richland Poor Nut." The campus sap becomes hero overnight and it's worth seeing. Elliott. Nugent. Hollywood Playhouse, Vine near Hollywood 'Thin Ice." Opens tonight. Vine Street.

1615 N. Vine A Cup of Sugar." The delightful comedienne. Dorothy Mackaye, returns in a farce about husbands and various wives. BURLESQUE Follies, Main at Fourth-Burlesque. LAUREL CANYON WORK SOON TO BE FINISHED STUDIO CITY, Sept.

state today that motorists shortly will be traveling 3 over the new Laurel Canyon paving which is now under construction through the foothills south of here. Pouring of concrete has been completed on a strip. from Mulholland High Way to the foot of the grade on the San Fernando Valley side and work is proceeding rapidly on the paving on the opposite side of the foothills crest. Laurel Canyon for a number of years has been the principal outlet for the valley into the beach cities districts. Motor travel has increased so greatly within the last two years the improvement of the Jong scenic road was urgently necessitated.

BUSINESS BREVITIES Steckel Studio; child portraitures. High -class reproductions. TU. 1657. Four Weeks Test Proves Elderly Women Can Feel Years Younger In Body and Mind--Be KeenAlert--Attractive--Gain Physical Womanly Charm With Morning Health Drink.

it's astonishing nowadays how swiftly one can improve their physical condition at little expense. Take Kruschen Salts, for instanceone 85 cent bottle lasts four weeks--and with it millions of people the over are gaining and keeping superb health. To old people Kruschen is worth its weight in gold its daily use means blissful bowel regularity health building influence reaches blood, glands, nerves and every internal organ. Take one-half teaspoon of Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast don't miss a morningdo this for 4 weeks just to prove to yourself that the six vitalizing salts which go to make up the Kruschen Formula will near to fountain of youth as anything make you. a health drink that comes as is the World.

Get Kruschels Salts at any Owl and Liggett Drug Store or any drug store in the World- -you'll be glad you Report) LOCAL OFFICE, U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, Angeles, Sept. H. B.

Hersey, At 5 o'clock a.m. the barometer registered 29.88; at 5 P.m.. 29.83. Thermometer for the corresponding hours showed 61 deg. and 69 deg.

Relative humidity, 5 a.m., 89 per cent: 5 p.m.. 74 per cent. Wind, 5 a.m., southeast, velocity 1 mile: 5 p.m., southwest, velocity 6 miles. Temperatures, highest, 75 lowest. 58 deg.

Rainfall for season, none; normal to date, .05 of an inch; last season to date, none. Barometer reduced to sea level. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Sept. 16: Showers and thunderstorms have occurred during the past twenty-four hours in the South Atlantic and Gulf States and in the lake region and in the Ohlo and Middle and Lower Mississippi valleys, The rainfall was generally light to moderate, on the Gulf coast it was heavy.

It was quite warm this morning in the Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States, but temperatures were near the normal in other portions of the country. In Southern California fair weather prevailed yesterday, with normal temperature. It was partly cloudy this morning, with fog near the coast. Temperatures. were generally a little below the normal.

Partly cloudy weather may be expected in Los Angeles and vicinity Wednesday. with moderate temperature. Fog will be in evidence along the coast in the morning. Gentle variable winds will prevail. SUN, MOON AND Angeles, Sept.

17: Sun rises 5:38 a.m., sets 5:57 p.m. Moon sets 3:03 p.m. Los Angeles Harbor, Sept. 17: High tides. 6:59 a.m.

and 4:55 p.m.: low tide. 10:20 a.m. LOCAL TEMPERATURES. Sept. 16: Minimum and maximum temperatures from Southern California points, reported yesterday to the Los Angeles office of the U.

S. Weather Bureau, were as follows: Stations- Max. Min. Imperial 100 60 Los Angeles Harbor 70 59 Mt. Wilson 83 65 Pasadena 86 55 Pomona 84 51 Porterville 94 59 Redlands 89 52 Riverside 92 50 San Bernardino 92 55 Santa.

Ana 83 55 Santa Barbara 77 56 Sierra Madre 84 58 LOCAL FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Fair Wednesday and Thursday, with high fog along the coast in the morning; moderate temperature will prevail. TEMPERATURES Tempera- -tures- cipitaConditions, 5 p.m. Max. Min. tion.

Boise--Partly cloudy 86 52 Boston--Cloudy 90 72 0 Buffalo 78 60 Chicago -Clear 80 60 Denver- Partly cloudy 70 50 Edmonton- Pt. cloudy 72 34 El Paso- -Clear 92 62 Eureka- 58 52 Flagstaff- -Clear 78 36 Fresno- Cloudy 90 64 Havre- -Clear 46 Helena-Clear 76 44 Clear 74 48 Kansas City- Clear 78 62 Lander -Clear 76 Los Angeles -Clear 75 58 Modena--Cloudy 82 42 Needles- Clear 62 New -Cloudy 84 68 New York- Faining 88 70 North Head- Cloudy 56 52 Okiahoma- Clear 88 58 Omaha--Clear 72 62 Phoenix--Clear 102 64 Portland, Or. -Clear 80 58 Red Bluff- Clear 90 60 Roseburg-Clear 80 54 84 60 St. Paul and Minneapolis- Clear 66 54 Sacramento- -Clear 80 56 Salt Lake City- -Pt. cldy.

82 52 San Diego Partly cloudy 70 62 San Francisco -Cloudy 66 58 Santa Fe-Clear 76 50 Seattle -Clear 72 56 -Clear 82 48 Tonopah- Cloudy 76 60 -Clear ...102 56 Washington--Clear 96 76 14 Winnemucca- cloudy. 88 48 0 Cloudy 52 46 .18 Yuma -Clear 102 64 0 x-Precipitation. 5 a.m, to 5 p.m. VITAL RECORD WEATHER REPORT INTENTION TO MARRY The following notices of intention to marry were issued yesterday. Name and age given.

ABEL George C. Abel, 27; Le-, tha Taylor, 26. I ARNAZ- -OLSON. Louis J. Arnaz, 40; Minnie A.

26. BLACK MORAGA, Acton E. Black, 26; Angelina Moraga, 18. BRINE Jack W. Brine, 27; Dorothy Shaw, 22.

BRUNSON- PORTERFIELD. George Brunson, 41: Alma Porterfield, 40. Walter W. Buchanan, 30: Lyla K. Hockwald, 30.

Glenn W. Burke, 19; Jessie W. Peterson. 17. BURROUGH BRASILE.

Harold E. Burrough, 24; Allie A. Brasile, 22. CARRILLO GARCIA. Ynes Carrillo, 25; Frances Garcia.

27. CHESTERTON LEFTWICH. Leland W. Chesterton. 20: Elsie V.

Leftwich, 18. Harvey G. Clermont, 22; Mildred L. Frizelle, 20. CROSIAR SIAS.

Reuel A. Crosiar, 31: Nellie C. Sias, SPACE. Connie J. D'AIlessandro, 30: Grace L.

Space, 31. DOUGLAS Robert McR. Douglas, 24: Mildred E. Grissom, 23. EILERT SCHIP.

Herman Eilert, 30; Softe Schif, 30. EXUM SPEARS. Eugene Exum, 20; Vernetta Spears. 17. 'Edward J.

Farren, 23: Josephine M. Ferentzy, 20. FINKLER- ADAMS. James N. Finkler, 34; Betty Adams, 31.

Thomas H. Fisher, 50; Louise Kline. 50. FLETCHER 25: ARMSTRONG. John H.

Fletcher, Sara R. Armstrong, 25. FRIEDMAN-FILBY. Arthur S. Friedman, 24: Viola 22, f*ckUDA-KAJITSUKA.

Kiyoichi Pukuda, 31; Toshiko Kajitsuka, 22. GAITON HUITRON. Paul Galton, 21; Soledad Hultron, 18. William Gibson. 44; Rosa Roberts, 41.

GRIFFIN SWANSON. Waldo H. Griffin, 40; Inga Swanson, 30. HALL- -CARSON. George W.

Hall, 22; Ruth A. HARDY- DICKINSON, Charles K. Hardy, A. Dickinson, 20. HARRELL SIMPSON.

Lester S. Harrell, 36: Mary Simpson. 24. HAUBRICH- Otto Haubrich, 36; Ruth Mossman, 25. HILL McGOWAN.

George W. Hill, 21; McGowan. 20. HILLMAN- GOULD. Charles Hillman, 60; Susan M.

Gould, 54. HOBART MORENO. A. Erwin Hobart, 28; Eleanore E. Moreno, 25.

HOBERG KEYS. Einar O. Hoberg, 28: Thelma L. 18. HOPPER WITT.

Joseph C. Hopper, 27; Mary L. Witt. 26. HOWARD- HUGHES.

Emmett B. Howard, 48: Alma B. Hughes, 39. HUTCHINSON-ROBISON. Dale G.

Hutchinson, 22; Hazel R. Robison, 18. JACKLIN ALVORD. Edward R. Jacklin, 19: Leah N.

Alvord. 16. JACOBO Hilario Jacobo, 29; Maria Uribe, .35. KEELER-WULFF. Wilburn E.

Keeler, 24: Viola 22. Guy Kingsbury, 48; Mabel F. McKillop, 47. KIRK CRAVEN. John Kirk, 37; Lerna Craven, 26.5 LARGE HUFFMAN.

Jack E. Large, 23; Annabelle L. Huffman, 19. LAYNE- BUNCH. Lewis L.

Layne, 28; Beulah Bunch, 20. LEARNARD CREWS. Eugene Learnard, 21: Evelyn B. Crews, 18. LORENZ CHRIST.

Joseph Lorenz, 29; Emmy Christ. 25. George A. Ludinston. 47; Jennie F.

Anderson, 47. LUMBATTIS- -DINE. Thorburn P. Lumbattis. 22: Mary Dine, 19.

MARQUEZ GAYTAN. Louls V. Marquez, 20: Elodia. Gaytan, 18. Clyde Massey, 33; nor McVay, 26.

MAZUTIS -KEENER. Peter J. Mazutis, 39; Wilma A. Keener, 26. Jack McCollum.

22: Alma Wallace, 21. METZGER- DOWER. Raymond A. Metzger, 31: Lucile E. Dower, 30.

MISCIONE FARINACCI. John V. Misclone, 29: Ann M. Farinacci, 20. Kisoshi Miwa, 25: Aiko Iwasakl, 18.

MONEY OLSEN, Virgil E. Money, 22; Thelma A. Olsen. 21. MOORE- THALMANN.

Jack K. Moore, 24; Margaret Thalmann, 21. MUNCER- CRANSTROM. Fred L. Muncer, 30: Ebba A.

Cranstrom. 21. Richard D. Myers, 23; Ora E. Neal.

25. NEUSTEADTER VIA. Richard H. Neusteadter. 25: Alma Via.

22, NOELL- Julius M. Noell, 45: Pearl G. Hammond, 43, OLSON LYNNE. Manford R. Olson, 23; Katy S.

Lynne, 18. O'NEALL Hugh O'Neall, 30; Euretta M. Padia, 30. PATRICK-SMITH. Presley E.

Patrick, 21; Lucille E. Smith. 18. PICKENS. PARRET.

Warner B. Pickens, 28: Alice E. Parret, 23, August Rebman. 57; Mabel Burley. 56.

ROBBINS- MYERS. Arthur A. Robbins, 21: Edith E. Myers, ROBERTS TYLER. Edward T.

Roberts, 23: Mildred Tyler. 20. ROLLMANN- -BURKE. Carl T. Rollmann Anita Burke.

19. SHEBLAK- SAENGER. Vernon B. Sheblak, 25: Mary L. Saenger, 24.

-WALKER. Charlie A. 81m- INTENTION TO MARRY The following notices of intention to issued yesterday. Name and marry age given. merman.

22; Ruth A. Walker, SNEED HILL. Lee Sneed, 23; Mable Hill, 22. Carl Stotsk3, 28; Elin Raitanen. Y.

TOLLINGTON-RINEHART. Harry G. 38. Tollington, 48: Edith I. Rinehart, John B.

Tolman. 22; Margaret C. Faulkner. 19. VON THYBEN- KITE.

John L. Von Thy. ben. 35: Edna B. Kite, 24.

WATSON WARREN. William R. Watson, 23: BRAY. Albert D. Welton, Ruth Warren, 22.

Louise Bray, 21. Charles A. Westphal, Estra D. White, 48. YASSAY- GOLDSTEIN, Joseph Yassas, 30: Helen Goldstein, 18.

YEOMANS -GREEN. Horace F. Yeomans, 24: Isabelle Green, 20, YOST. George W. Yost, 29; Mary E.

Juppenlatz. 21. BIRTHS Names, sex, place and date of birth. AGUIRRE. Mr.

and Mrs. Pedro, Boy. 1004 Sanford, street. September BARRERE. 'Mr.

and Mrs. George, Boy. Hollywood C. B. M.

Hospital. September 12. BARTON. Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth, Boy, Hollywood C. B. M. Hospital. September 12.

BEK. Mr. and Mrs. John. Daughter, St.

Vincent's Hospital. September 9. CALDER. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward. Boy. Monte Sand Hospital. September 9. COZZI.

Mr. and Mrs. Mario, Boy. St. Vincent's Hospital.

September 14, DARLENE. Mr. and Mrs. Daughter. St.

Vincent's Hospital. September 13. DAWES. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles. Daughter. Hollywood C. B. M.

Hospital. September 12. GOLDSTEIN. Mr. and Mrs.

Victor. Boy. St. Vincent's Hospital. September 13.

HARRINGTON. Mr. and Mrs. Michael. Boy, Monte Sano Hospital.

September 13. HERRERA. Mr. and Mrs. Francisco.

Boy. Estrada street. September 10. HICKMAN. Mr.

and Mrs. Opa. Daughter. Carol Ann Hospital. September 11.

KAPFER. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Daughter, Angelus Hospital.

September KAUFMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney. Daughter.

Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. September 9. KENT. Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn. Daughter, French Hospital, September 12. KUMES. Mr. and Mrs.

Albert. Daughter, St. Vincent's Hospital. September 11. LEBER.

Mr. and Mrs. John. Boy, White Memorial Hospital. September 10.

LEONARD. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick. Daughter.

Angelus Hospital. September 14. LEVENBERG. Mr. and Mrs.

Mase. Daughter. St. Vincent's Hospital. September 12.

MALCARNEY. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Boy.

Angelus Hospital. September 10. McBRIDE. Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn. Daughter, 17481 South Catalina street. September 11. MILLIGAN. Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick. Daughter. St. Vincent's Hospital.

September 11. MORENO. Mr. and Mrs. Rufno.

Boy. 2636 Gleneden street. September 12. OTT. Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence, Boy. St. Vincent's Hospital. September 13.

PETERSON. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore. Daughter.

St. Vincent's Hospital, September 14. RICHLEY. Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin. Boy. St. Vincent's Hospital. September 10.

SMUCKLER. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer. Daughter.

California Lutheran Hospital. September 9. STANNARD. Mr. and Mrs.

John. Daughter. St. Vincent's Hospital. September 11.

STRAVERS. Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Boy.

California Lutheran Hospital, September 7. THOMPSON, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd. Boy.

Angelus Hospital. September 14. TUCKER. Mr. and Mrs.

John. Boy. Hotlywood C. B. M.

Hospital. September 13. WATERMAN. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles. Daughter. Hollywood C. B. M.

Hospital. September 13. WILLERT. Mr. and Mrs.

John. Boy, Hollywood C. B. M. Hospital.

September 13. WILLIS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles.

Boy, St. Vincent's Hospital. September 14. ZERTUCHE. Mr.

and Mrs. Jesus. Boy. Wall street. September 11.

ZIMMERMAN. Mr. and Mrs. John. Boy.

4180 Trent Way. September 10. BAYLY. Evelyn M. against Clarence.

BENNETT. Helen P. against Ellis O. BERLIANT. Abraham against Fanny, BERLINGER.

Julia against Norman. BRAY. Evelen 8. against John H. BREWER.

Alva G. against Walter O. CALDERON. Manuela against Jose, CORLETT. Cora E.

against Hugh. ENGLISH. Paul I. against Violet M. GIST.

Irene against John. HARTZIG. Luvilla D. against Forest G. HASKELL.

Elizabeth L. against Wills L. HEMENWAY. C. C.

against Mary L. HETMAN. Dorris L. against John. HOWE.

Morgan R. against Elizabeth I. HUBBENETTE. Goldie L. against John HUGHES.

John C. against Thelma L. HUNT. Clarence against Corella. JACKSON, Margaret against John E.

JOHNSON. Corinne against Ralph. KASPARIAN. Ralph against Mary. Ada against Jerome, LOBDELL.

Virginia against Edmond B. LOGAN. Fannie against Scott. LUTHER. Frieda against William H.

MACART. Frederick E. Marjorie MacINTYRE. Myrtie M. against Eric C.

McHOLLAND. Mildred P. against Wesley McPEEK. Madalyn against C. Chadwick.

MEDINE. Elizabeth W. against Frank J. MENVIELLE. Joseph D.

against Lillian MILLER. Madalan M. against Wilton I. OLDFIELD. Faye M.

against Harry J. OWEN. Marion B. against Dale H. REESE.

Cecelia against Alvin F. REYES. Jesus against Angelita. ROBERTS. Lillian E.

against Ralph S. SCHUSTER. Bonnie against Melvin. STEVENS. Carl P.

against Margaret C. SWITZER. Peter E. against Margaret B. DIVORCE SUITS FILED WARD.

Cecile E. from William E. NATURALIZATION PETITIONS Petitions for naturalization, with name, nationality and residence given, have been filed with the United States District Court, as follows: Balint Kelechenyl. 1110 -sixth street. Inglewood, Czecho-Slovakia, Ethel Marion Pinder, 2414 Council street; Great Britain.

Florence Mary Thompson, 608 South Catalina, Redondo, Great Britain. Vittorio Brunetti, Burbank, Italy. Simon Kirsch, 1049 West Kensington Road: Poland. Marthe Jeanne Cresson Wolfram. Santa Barbara, France.

Alfons Rueskaffer, 623 West Fifth street, Austria. Sonia Kenyon, 863 South Wilton Place; Russia. John K. Stevenson. 847 West Fourth street.

Joseph Long Kopeczy, Beach, 1040 West Greece, I Seventy-Arst street: Hungary. Richard Michael Wolochow, 615 West Pifty-ninth Place; Russia. Harry Campbell, 2740 Raymond avenue; Great Britain. Moshko Lipovenkp, 2428 Houston street; Russia. Ruth Aina Jenkins, 189 Marin avenue, Pasadena, Sweden.

Catharine Foss Allen: Great Britain. Edward Marren Bunce, 1025 Doran street, South Pasadena, Great Britain. Margaret Hoganson, 1317 Coronado Terrace: Great Britain. Felix J. Fedun, 1700 Bishops Road: Poland.

Yvonne Celeste Prodis, 786 South Mentor avenue, Pasadena, Belgium. Gladys Madeleine Riechaelleu, South Broadway: Great Britain, John Ipma, 3941 Grand View Boulevard, Mar Vista, Holland. Annie Elizabeth Hough, 645 Tenth street, Manhattan Beach. England. Louis Spiegelman, 142 North Citrus ave.

nue: Poland. Victor Anicich, 1218 South Herbert street: TEW. Catherine E. against John L. DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED ANDERSON.

Vendela from Knut H. BARTELS. Elsie J. from Henry R. BREARD.

BREDEHOFT. Leander L. from Minnie M. Lois T. Henry FOX.

Harry from Alice. GIESBRECHT. Jacob from Nellie M. GRAHAM. Myrtle M.

from William E. HAYDEN. Belle from Benjamin F. HOFFMANN. Jacob from Jennie O.

JOHNSON. KROESEN. Curtis Grace H. M. from from Mildred H.

Arthur LANGAN. Lucille from John. MANSFIELD. Mineola from John H. MILEM.

Rosalie M. from Jackson A. MORELOCK. Verda L. from Charles A.

NAIVE. Mars G. from Jesse J. OLSEN. Eva E.

from William C. STOTERA. Richard P. from Marguerite E. B.

THOMAS. Richard W. from Mamie. VEAL. Lyda from Raymond B.

Italy. OFFICIAL DEATH LIST Name and place of death- Age. Date. ANDREWS, Elisha. Los Angeles 74 Sept.

13 BONNER, Leslie, Los Angeles. 57 Sept. 6 BEAZLEY. Walter. Angeles 62 BROWNLIE, Andrew.

Los geles 65 Sept. 15 CONE. Irving. Los 74 Sept. 14 DE RUPPELIUS.

Guadalupe. Los Angeles 80 14 DUFFACK. Mary. Los Angeles. 83 Sept.

15 FLYNN. Daniel. Los 89 Sept. 13 GARDIE, Emma. Los Angeles.

64 Sept. GIBSON, Mary. Los 75 Sept. 11 GRISWOLD, Sarah. Los Angeles 74 Sept.

11 HALL, James. Los 68 Sept. 13 HALLSTONE, Emma. Los geles 79 11 HAY. Harry.

Los 59 Sept. 11 HAZELTINE. Madison. Los Angeles. 58 Sept.

11 HOFFMAN, Benjamin. Los Angeles 75 12 HUMBERT. John. Los Angeles. 69 Sept.

HUNTINGTON, Martha. Los Angeles, 65 Sept. 14 JOHNSON, Carl. Los Angeles. 85 Sept.

14 KAUFFMAN, Julia. Los Angeles 83 11 LAMBE. James. Los 51 Sept. 12 NATON, Lena.

Los 81 Sept. 14 RICCARD, George. Los Angeles 89 Sept. 15 ROBLES, Josefa. Los Angeles.

96 Sept. RYAN, C. Dale. Los 28 Sept. 12 VACHON, Eliza, Los 68 Sept.

13 WIECHAND, Elizabeth. Los An" 42 Sept. 13 WILKERSON," Perry. Los Angeles 59 Sept. 11 DEATHS With Funeral Announcements.

ADLER. Anna Adler, loving mother of Julius and Edgar Adler. Remains will be towarded to Lincoln, for Interment. Malinow Simons. 818 Venice Boulevard, funeral directors.

Seward (Neb.) papers please copy. ALLEN. Late of 406 West Seventy-third street. W. T.

Allen. beloved brother of Mrs. Etta Bennett of Los Angeles. Puneral Thursday at 2 p.m. from the chapel of E.

Clair Overholtzer Company. 1236 South Grand, under auspices of Semitropic Lodge No. 371, 1.0.0.F. ANDREWS. Services 2:30 for Elisha from L.

the today at p.m. parlors of L. F. Utter 4254 South Broadway. BAI.

Of 2655 Lossmore avenue. Mrs. Cliffa Bal. Remains at Cresse's, Highland Park. BALDERSTON.

At. Jennie, 5311. North wife Hartwick. of J. W.

Balderston, mother of BenjaSeptember beloved min R. Balderston and sister of Harry J. and James F. Raymond. Funeral at Bresee Brothers' chapel.

855 Figueroa, Saturday, 3 p.m. Interment Hollywood Cemetery, BARTH. beloved husband of Gustave Crescentia Barth. Funeral notice later. J.

H. Riedeman in charge. BLUM. today at 2 p.m. from the Rosie Blum.

Services residence, 210 North Soto street. directors, MA- in linow Simons, funeral charge. September 16. Elena B. loving mother of Thomas E.

Botiller. James A. Botiller and Mrs. and Juanita B. Lettice.

Funeral Thursday, September 1740 18, Vir8 a.m. from the residence. ginta Road. Requiem high mass at St. Vincent's Church at 9 a.m.

Interment Calvary Cemeters. ham O'Connor, directors. BUGG. September 16, Cunningham Agnes Bugs, ConRemains at nor. Remains of Andrew L.

BrowBROWNLIE. forwarded by Ruppe Morlie were tuary to Victoria, B. for services and interment. CAMPBELL Mamie Baldwin aged street. 59 beloved sears.

3008 wife of Alexandria R. Campbell. Rosary at 8 p.m. Wednesday. September 17, at the chapel of the Lincoln Heights Mortuary 2029 Pasadena 9 avenues.

Services be 18. st will held at A.m.. Thursday, September Sacred Heart Church. corner Baldwin and Sichel streets. Interment Vary Cemetery.

CAWLEY. J. At Cawley. 5916 Piedmont avenue, Walter Remains in care of Cresse's. High- St.

land Park. Requiem mass at Ignatius' Church, Thursday, at 9:30. COLLIER. L. Y.

at the Collier. chapel of W. A. Remains Brown, 1815 South Flower street. COULON, Coulon, September 15.

at years, Long formerly Beach. Frank aged 72 of Norwalk, and a resident of California for forty-three years; husband of Cora A. Coulon. and father of Sherman, Roy and Lee Coulon. Mrs.

A. T. Moore and Mrs. Stella Cooles. Services Wednesday at 2 p.m.

at the Congregational Church. Norwalk. Interment, Whittier, Cal. Patterson McQuilkin. Long Beach, directors.

COVER. Frank C. Cover. Announcement of services later by Ruppe Mortuary. CUTHBERT September 16, at 224.

beloved East Pico street. Belle Cuthbert, wife of Charles E. Cuthbert. Notice of funeral later by Pierce Brothers. Bay City papers please copy.

DE LA VEGA. Charlotte De la Vega. Requiem mass Thursday. September 18 at 10 a.m. at the Holy Name Church.

Cimarron and Jefferson streets. Pierce Brothers, directors. DENTON. Services for Mrs. Alice M.

Denton at the Wee Kirk the Heather, today at 3 p.m. Cresse'S, Eagle Rock, directors. DUFFACK. At. 1716 North Avenue 55, Mary Duffack.

Memorial services at Cresse's, Highland Park, today at 4:30 p.m. ENOS. The funeral services of Mrs. Eugenia R. Enos will be held today at 2 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. FOURATT. September 13.

Ida Fouratt. mother of Robert M. Fouratt. Services, today Reed at a.m. Tapley from the chapel of Geiger, 721 West Washington street.

GLANDON. The funeral will be services held of today Har- at ris Glandon p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street.

GRUENBERG. Anna Gruenbers, loving wife of Aaron N. Gruenberg. Remains will Le forwarded to Minneapolis. for.

interment. Malinow Simons. 818 Venice Boulevard, funeral directors. HENRY. Suddenly, Capt.

Elwood H. Henry of L.A.F.D., beloved, husband of Jessie Henry, father Elwood J. and Fred Henry, brother of Ralph and Walter Henry and Mrs. Ethel Trout of Stewartstown. Pa.

Remains will lie in state today from 9 until 10 p.m. at chapel of Gus Alvarez Moore. Funeral services Thursday, September 18 at 2 p.m. at Angeles Temple Auditorium. Masonic services at 4 p.m, at Inglewood Cemetery chapel.

HENNING. September 13, at Van Nuys, Frank husband of Estella Henning. Services at Van Nuys Funeral Parfor, Van Nuys. Thursday September 18 at 3 p.m. Cremation, Forest Lawn.

HOFFELD. The funeral of Franck R. Hoffeld will be held at Bresee, Brothers' chapel, 855 Figueroa, Wednesday, 3 p.m. HORWITZ. Esther.

late of Fullerton, Services today at 2 p.m. from the Glasband Groman Mortuary, 901 West Washington street. JOHNSTON. Z. L.

Johnston. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LENTZ.

Minna Lentz, aged 78 years. Funeral, 2 p.m. today from the chapel of J. H. Riedeman, 1618 South Main.

LONG. Services for Louise B. Long today at 2 p.m. from Edwards Brothers' Mortuary, 936 Venice Boulevard. MEREDITH Alfred H.

Meredith, aged 64 years, beloved husband of Annie E. Meredith and father of Ella. Hazel, Grace, Laura and Alfred H. Meredith. Jr.

Funeral services Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Forest Lawn. Rev. A.

K. Stewart officiating. Herbert 8. Noice Son, Culver City. directors.

PATEY. September 15. Cecil Patey, Masonic services this morning at 10 o'clock from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Brothers' Lawn, under Mortuary. direction of Edwards PERRY. Lawrence Perry, loving son of Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel C. Perry. Kirk Services o' the today at Heather, 1 p.m. Forest at Lawn the Cemetery.

Graham Isbell, directors. PRITCHARD. September 15, at 820 South Fedora street, Edgar Clayton Pritchard, formerly of Fayetteville. beloved husband of of Mrs. Ida M.

Albert Pritchard. loving father of Dallas, and Virgil Felton Pritchard of Los Angeles, and grandfather of Janet Pritchard Dines. Services Friday. September 19 at p.m. from Edwards Brothers' Mortuary, 936 Venice Boulevard.

RANDOLPH. Services for William Oliver Randolph today at 1 p.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel. RANSOM. C.

D. Ransom. Remains at the chapel of W. Brown. 1815 South Flower street.

REDMAN. K. J. Redman. Remains at the chapel of W.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. RICCARD. September 15, George Riccard, years. beloved husband of Philiberte Riccard and father of Mrs. Marie A.

Turon and Joseph E. Riccard, a resident of Los Angeles for fifty years. Funeral today at 8:15 a.m.. from the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor, 1031 South Grand avenue. quiem mass at the Plaza Church Rat 9 a.m, BACCARES.

Alvira Saccares. Cunningham O'Connor. directors. SAMWELL. September 15, 1930, at 164 West Vernon avenue, Emma beloved wife of Joseph Samwell and mother of Leo and Phillip Samwell.

Services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Cemetery, under auspices Culver City Chapter, O.E.8., Rev. A. K. Stewart officiating, Herbert S.

Noice Son, Culver City, directors. SCULLEY. September -16. Earl Sculley. Remains at Bresee Brothers.

STEELE. Mrs. Mabel Agnes Steele, Remains at the chapel of W. Brown. 1815 Bouth Flower street.

SWATOSH. Frank Edward Swatosh. Remains in care of Brown Brothers, 935 West Washington street. Puneral announcement later. VERNAND.

Mrs. Jane, Vernand, beloved wife of Clarence Vernand. Services September 18 at 10 a.m. at Gus Alvarez Moore, corner North Olive and Court streets. VAN RIPER.

Of 5552 Bayer street. Mrs. Amelia Van Riper. beloved mother of Dr. Annie A.

Berdan. Funeral services Thursday at 1 p.m. from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Cemetery. W. A.

Brown. funeral director. WELLS. Services for Hiram L. Wells today at p.m.

from the parlors of L. P. Utter Company. 4254 South Broadway. WILHITZ Kathleen Wilhite.

Nodce of funeral later by Pierce Brothers. WILSON. Charles Wilson Notice of funeral later by Pierce Brothers. WILSON, Services for Celia N. Wilson.

late of 1100 West Forty-second street, Thursday, September 18 at 11 a.m. the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Porest Lawn Cemetery. Reed Tapley Geiger, directors. YOUNG. Of 1853 East First street, September 15, Prof.

George H. Young. aged 80 years, loving brother of Emma Young Hay and R. H. Young of this city and C.

C. Young. of Cleveland, 0. 1930 Funeral East at First Vesper Son's chapel. street today at 2:30 p.m.

Interment, Evergreen. I ZUNIGA. Jose Zuniga. Remains at Gus Alvarez Moore. When men develop nerves WATCH YOUR HUSBAND When men develop "nerves" -complain of exhaustion, day after day when bed outbids bridge or the theatre -wives know that overwork is beginning, to tell.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.