No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (2024)

Do you want to take control of your finances and save money? Do the No Spend Challenge for a day, week, or month!

While it may seem drastic, you’ll find many ways to make it easier in today’s article.

Plus, it is extremely effective at shaking up your routine so you can see your spending clearly. You finally stop bad habits in their tracks. And there aren’t many other challenges that give you such a turnaround.

So, if you need a breather or to re-think your spending habits, the no spend challenge is for you! *And don’t miss the free printables!

Table of Contents

What Is a No Spend Challenge?

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (1)

With this unique challenge, you live a pre-set time period only purchasing essentials.

Bye bye, non-essentials.

You will cut things like:

  • dining out
  • shopping for clothes
  • indulging in hobbies that cost money

Instead, you’ll learn to prioritize essential expenses like rent, utilities, and groceries. And identify easy areas to cut back now and in the future.

Plus, you will be able to focus on forming good habits like:

  • Finding fun ways to entertain yourself for free
  • Cooking your meals at home
  • Using up what you have
  • Tracking your spending progress and savings

The no spend challenge is not about depriving yourself. It’s about building a healthier relationship with money and learning how to better live within your means.

Embrace this challenge with the right mindset and it will be a beautiful opportunity for personal growth.

Want to save this challenge? Enter your email below and I’ll send the link straight to you.

Benefits of a No Spend Challenge

There are many advantages to doing a challenge like this. Here are a few:

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (2)

Money in the Bank

When you embark on a no spend challenge, the most obvious benefit is that you’ll save money. Wahoo! With this cash comes confidence, security, optimism, and swagger.

Extra money is always a sweet perk!

You Hit Your Financial Goals Faster

This challenge allows you to redirect your money towards more important financial goals, like paying off debt or increasing your emergency fund.

Suddenly, you are making progress that you only dreamed about before.

It Forces You To Re-Think & Be Mindful

It is easy to get stuck in a rut. To live life on an automatic routine.

But if you do the no spend challenge for a week or a month, you have the opportunity to become aware and develop mindfulness around your life.

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (3)

You better understand your needs which allows you to prioritize. And as you continue, you make more informed decisions about your purchases, leading to amazing long-term habits.

Environmental Impact

Finally, a no spend challenge has a positive impact on the environment.

By purchasing fewer items, you are reducing waste and product demand. Both of these help with pollution and landfill space. The challenge not only helps your wallet, but also helps the planet.

How To Do the No Spend Challenge

Next, here’s exactly how to dive in:

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (4)

1. Decide Where You Want Your Post-Challenge Money to Go!

This is your biggest motivator! Be specific about why this money is going to help your future.

Will you….

  • Put it towards your next trip?
  • Build out your emergency fund?
  • Use it as a downpayment for a house?

Related: Hidden Benefits of Saving Money

2. Determine No Spend Month Challenge Rules

Next, establish no spend challenge rules that are unique to you. Be clear at the START of the challenge about what is off-limits. Also, think about the areas where you tend to overspend and create rules to address those habits.

For example, you might:

  • cut out non-essential purchases (clothing, entertainment, eating out)
  • set a strict budget for groceries (so you are only buying essentials)
  • cut out online shopping
  • stop hair and nail visits
  • drop subscription services, like streaming platforms

*Make a list of needs vs wants using this worksheet to help you separate essentials from non-essentials.

3. Be Clear About Exceptions

Identify any exceptions to your no spend challenge rules. These should be limited to necessities, such as:

  • basic groceries
  • important kids’ school activities
  • healthcare expenses
  • gas & any essential car
  • bills
  • phone/internet

By recognizing your exceptions, you avoid feeling stuck when an unexpected or ambiguous situation pops up.

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (5)

4. Define Your Timeframe

Next, decide how long your no spend challenge will last. The timeframe can be any duration you want. These are the most popular:

  • Weekend: A great first challenge to test the waters.
  • No Spend Week Challenge: 7 days is enough time to build awareness and save serious cash.
  • No Spend Month Challenge: 30 days is a commitment. But you can do hard things, my friend. And longer commitments reap the biggest rewards.

Remember, the longer you go, the better chance that you will make lasting changes to your spending habits.

5. Stay Accountable for A Week or Month Challenge

Building in accountability with this challenge will be the difference between sticking with it and flaking out. Read below for ways to make sure even the no spend month challenge is a slam dunk.

Prep Work For No Spend Week OR Month

Once you have decided on your challenge, you can set yourself up for success with a few minutes of preparation.

Make a list of Free Activities

Just because you aren’t spending money doesn’t mean you have to sit at home and stare at a wall. (Unless you want to of course!)

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (6)

Maintain your social life by finding free activities in your area. And take advantage of the natural beauty around you! Parks, lakes, mountains, forest, beach – wherever you live there will be something to enjoy!

Talk to your family

Unless you live alone, you will be influenced by the people in your home. So, before the challenge, have a family meeting. In it, discuss:

  • Why this no spend challenge is important to you
  • How it will benefit everyone
  • Get your kids involved and decide together where you’ll put your savings
  • Brainstorm ways to make the no spend challenge work

Come up with a response

What will you say when your friend asks you to go out for drinks? Or your dad wants you to buy a giant bag of snickerdoodles? Try:

“I’m not spending money right now because I’m building towards ____________. But what if we __________ (give an alternative solution) instead?

By knowing what you are going to say beforehand, you take the anxiety and guesswork out of social situations.

More No Spend Challenge Tips For Success

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (7)

Have a Support System

  • Share your goals with friends or family and let them know the importance of this challenge to you.
  • Join online communities, like no spend challenge Facebook groups, to connect with others who share your goals.

Get To The Bottom Of Your Why

Spend 5 minutes journaling about why changing your habits and saving money are so important to your future. Visualize yourself 10 years down the road with or without making changes.

Put your why on a post-it and stick it to your fridge, your desk, and your computer!

Rig Your Environment

Avoid temptation while you do the no spend challenge.

  • If you notice yourself wanting to click social media ads, limit your time on the platform
  • avoid browsing shopping websites
  • unsubscribe from emails that get you to buy
  • hide your credit cards
  • only bring enough cash with you to buy your essentials

Track Your Expenses

One of the key factors in a successful no spend challenge is tracking. Start by creating a budget. This will help you identify areas to cut or eliminate spending.

During the challenge, maintain a daily or weekly log of your expenses to help you stay on track. Try budgeting tools, like spreadsheets or, to make it easy and organized.

No Spend Challenge Printable

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (8)

No Spend Printable WeekDownload

No Spend Printable MonthDownload

Other Great Ways to Stay Motivated

Along with your free tracker, you can measure your progress in other ways as well.

Years ago, I built the habit of waking up at 5am by putting a marble in a jar every morning for 66 days.

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (9)

Or build in accountability with our custom contract that you make with yourself and a friend.

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (10)

Grab the free commitment card and get started now!

How to Overcome Common Challenges

During a no-spend month challenge, you might face things that try to throw you off track.

Unexpected Expenses

To overcome these obstacles:

  • Make sure you have an emergency fund or a healthy liquid net worth before starting the challenge.
  • Do that prep work we talked about above.
  • Be proactive by making sure your car and home are properly maintained.

Feeling Deprived

If the no spend week or month challenge feels daunting:

  • Remind yourself of your why, the amazing benefits, and where you’ll be putting the money.
  • Allow yourself small, budget-friendly rewards to indulge in as you proceed. This can help satisfy cravings without breaking the bank.
  • Keep yourself busy with free activities or even making money (Declutter and sell stuff!)
  • Change to a Low Buy Challenge instead.

You can also make a month no spend challenge easier by only doing a “no-spend” on one category.

For example, one month, we saved $200 on a no-spend alcohol challenge. Another month, we saved $500 on not eating out. (And we still eat out less!)

To Consider With The No Spend Challenge

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (11)

Remember that improving your financial habits takes time and commitment. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.

Once you finish the no spend week or month challenge, harness that energy and your newfound self-discipline for even greater growth. What an amazing catalyst!

What’s Next?

Read: Save Money And Live Better Too

More Great Free Challenges on Wealthy Woman…

  • 26 Week Savings Challenge
  • Christmas Savings Challenge Printable
  • Nickel Saving Challenge Template
  • 6 Month Money Saving Challenge

30 day no spend Month challenge

No Spend Challenge: How To Thrive For a Week or Month in 2024 (2024)


How to succeed in the no spend challenge? ›

How to Succeed at the 'No-Spend' Challenge
  1. Define Your Goals. Know why you're doing this. ...
  2. Set Your Rules. Decide how strict you want to be. ...
  3. Plan Ahead. Make sure you have essentials stocked up before you start. ...
  4. Get Creative. Find free ways to enjoy yourself. ...
  5. Keep Account. Track your progress to stay motivated. ...
  6. Reflect.
Mar 14, 2024

What is the no spend week rule? ›

What is the no-spend challenge? This viral trend involves going as long as possible without spending money on non-essential. (Rent, groceries and other necessities are okay.) Participants track their progress on a calendar, trying to rack up as many consecutive no-spend days as possible.

How can I go 30 days without spending money? ›

Keep Yourself Busy During Your 30-Day No Spend Challenge

The best way to pass the time without spending is to stay busy! Find things you love to do that don't cost a thing and you'll be able to stay on track with your challenge.

How to not spend money for 7 days? ›

Follow these steps to make a week without spending a rewarding experience to you and your bank account.
  1. Ask Yourself Why You're Doing This Challenge. ...
  2. Plan Ahead for Routine Bills. ...
  3. Think Twice About Grocery Shopping. ...
  4. Change Up Your Routine. ...
  5. Plan for Fun Things To Do With Kids. ...
  6. Host a Potluck Party.
Nov 10, 2023

What can you buy in a no spend month? ›

For the no-spend challenge, you pay for essentials only for a set period of time. Thirty days is pretty common, so you might hear it called a no-spend month too. Basically you're covering your Four Walls (food, utilities, shelter and transportation) and other necessities, but you're saying no to all the extras.

How can I improve my life without spending money? ›

10 Self Care Ideas that Don't Cost Money
  1. Clean House. ...
  2. Meditation. ...
  3. Focus on the Positive. ...
  4. Listen to Music. ...
  5. Try to Make Better Food Choices. ...
  6. Find a Free Support Group in Your Area or Online. ...
  7. Go for a Walk. ...
  8. Give Yourself Something to Look Forward To.
Aug 5, 2022

How to do a low buy month? ›

How To Complete a Low-Spend Month
  1. Make a List of All the Essentials That You Must Pay For. ...
  2. Make a List of All the Non-Essentials That You Will Be Giving Up. ...
  3. Check In At Least Once a Week to See How You're Doing. ...
  4. Write Down How You're Feeling About the Challenge. ...
  5. Make a List of What Was Easy to Give Up and What Was Hard.

How to survive a month with no money? ›

Find free activities to do

There are plenty of things you can do without spending a dime. Go for a walk, organise a game night with friends or family or visit a museum on a free day, so you don't have to spend money. The internet is also filled with resources that can help you find free events in your area.

How not to shop for a month? ›

Make lists before hitting the store to keep spending in check. Also plan for any unavoidable purchases that may not technically fall into the "essentials" category, like gifts or celebrations. "Keep in mind any major milestones you might have to spend around like birthdays or anniversaries," Skirboll says.

How to not spend money for one month? ›

How to be Successful in a No-Spend Month, 10 Tips and Tricks
  1. Choose the right month. ...
  2. Research free activities to do in your local area. ...
  3. Put your money away to reduce the temptation. ...
  4. Get your friends and family involved. ...
  5. Remind yourself why you're committing to a no-spend month. ...
  6. Track or monitor progress.
Nov 21, 2022

How to fix bad spending habits? ›

6 Ways to Control Spending Habits
  1. Plan and budget for every dollar you spend. ...
  2. Communicate your financial situation with family, loved ones, and your creditors, too. ...
  3. Make it harder to spend your money. ...
  4. Plan and cook your own meals. ...
  5. Use “bonus” money wisely. ...
  6. Get financial help if you need it.

How can I stay home and not spend money? ›

Whatever your situation, here are 13 fun things to do that don't cost money with friends and family:
  1. Go on a picnic. ...
  2. Go to no-cost museum and zoo days. ...
  3. Give geocaching a try. ...
  4. Leverage your chamber of commerce. ...
  5. Take a historical city tour. ...
  6. Visit a farmers market. ...
  7. Go camping. ...
  8. Do a photography challenge.
Feb 14, 2024

How to succeed at the no-spend challenge in Guardian? ›

How to succeed at the 'no-spend' challenge. Get a grip of your outgoings, set a goal and know what you spend on and why. And ask 'do I really need it?

How do you discipline yourself to not spend money? ›

Research shows that certain strategies can help build up self-control around spending and saving money:
  1. Make one financial decision at a time. ...
  2. Track your spending. ...
  3. Save automatically. ...
  4. Avoid temptation. ...
  5. Ask for support.

How can I get better at not spending money? ›

— there are solutions.
  1. Leave your credit cards at home when you go out. In fact, leave your debit card at home too. ...
  2. Freeze your cards in a cup of water. ...
  3. Don't use your credit cards like a debit card. ...
  4. Create a Needs vs. ...
  5. Learn to shop smarter. ...
  6. Take the "impulse" out of impulse buys.

How do you reward yourself for not spending money? ›

Ways to Treat Yourself without Food or Money
  1. Give yourself a manicure. Freshly painted nails can brighten your hands and your day. ...
  2. Take a nap. If possible, enjoy a rest. ...
  3. Read a book. ...
  4. Have a movie marathon. ...
  5. Listen to favorite music. ...
  6. Play with pets. ...
  7. Visit a free museum or local attraction. ...
  8. Listen to a podcast.


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.