Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (2024)

In This Post

  1. Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits
  2. Black Pepper Essential Oil Blends Well With
  3. All You Need To Know About Black Pepper Oil
  4. What Earthies Are Saying About It
  5. Things to Remember When Using This Oil

Reputable for its unmistakably sharp and spicy scent,Black Pepper Essential Oilcaptures the essence of the famous spice. But don’t let its powerful aroma fool you, as it is much more than just a kitchen staple — this essential oil has quite a few benefits! Popular uses range from purifying and cleansing to helping to soothe physical discomforts like muscle aches or even aiding with cognitive functions. With such versatile applications, no wonderBlack Pepper Essential Oilcan be found in many beauty oils, massage blends, and even some cleaning recipes! Adding these drops of natural goodness can give any recipe an extra edge — wait till you try it!

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (1)

Balances Cravings

Black Pepper Essential Oil might do the trick if you’re trying to kick the smoking habit but still feeling tempted! A comparison study1 has shownit can be an effective remedy for reducing cravings for nicotine. Using Black Pepper Essential Oil while attempting to quit cigarettes could extend the period between uses.

Supports Healthy Cholesterol

Black Pepper Essential Oil has some pretty powerful benefits for our health. A 2013 scientific study2 suggests thatpiperine, an active compound found in black pepper, could help reduce cholesterol uptake.

Promotes Circulation

If you’re looking for a way to get your circulation going, Black Pepper Essential Oil is an excellent natural remedy you should consider. A clinical trial3 has shown thattopical applications of this oil can increase the visibility and diameter of veins, just like an expert masseur!


At least one study4 suggests that by using Black Pepper Essential Oil, your body can detoxify itself from damaging free radicals. A natural remedy from Mother Nature to block out all the unnatural toxins we’re exposed to daily. That same study foundBlack Pepper exhibited strong total antioxidant activity, which could resist over 93% of the free radical damage.

Aids Digestion

Using Black Pepper Essential Oil is a great way to help support digestion. A study5 found that there may be medicinal benefits associated with using black pepper oil, showingit is an ideal choice for those seeking a natural remedy for common digestive issues.

Supports Respiration

This powerful oil supports respiration and can protect you from disease. According to a study6, this wonderful spicehas many therapeutic properties that could be utilized to protect health from several ailmentsand should be further explored.

  • Spic and Span Diffuser Blend
Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (2)

Black Pepper Essential Oil Blends Well With

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (3)

The spicy, crisp, sharp aroma with notes of pepper blends well with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Coriander, Fennel, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender (40/42 or Bulgarian), Juniper Berry, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Sandalwood, and Ylang-Ylang Essential Oils.

All You Need to Know About Black Pepper Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (4)

Fun Fact

Did you know that black pepper essential oil has been nicknamed ‘black gold‘? Not only was it once so valuable it was used as currency, but this amazing oil has many health benefits. This aromatic essential oil is worth its weight in gold. Who knew something as common as a kitchen spice could be so beneficial?

Plant Description

Black Pepper belongs to the family ofPiperaceae, a flowering vine with tiny fruits called peppercorns approximately 5 millimeters in diameter. Black pepper is produced from green unripe drupes of the pepper plant.

Chemical Constituents


Caryophyllene is one of the chemical compounds that contribute to the aroma of black pepper. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory action and helps to improve cold tolerance at low ambient temperatures, hence Black Pepper Oil’s warming effect.


Limonene is common as a fragrance ingredient for cosmetics products, such as perfumery and other personal care products. It is also used as a botanical insecticide, organic herbicide, and solvent for cleaning purposes.


Sabinene is one of the chemical compounds that contribute to the spiciness of black pepper. It is used in the perfume, flavor, and pharmaceutical industries because of its pleasant odor and anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory activities.

An Impactful Farm in Madagascar

Did you know that Simply Earth sources its beloved Black Pepper Essential Oil straight from a farm in Madagascar? Malagassi Farm provides not only the best tasting black pepper in the world but it also benefits the community and people of Madagascar by providing work and investment. By choosing Simply Earth’s black pepper essential oil, you can feel good about supporting a sustainable, ethical supply chain while also enjoying the many benefits this remarkable oil has to offer.

What Earthies Are Saying About It

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Things to Remember When Using This Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (6)

Always dilute an essential oil when using it on the skin. This essential oil is unlikely to cause skin irritation when diluted properly. If the oil has been oxidized (left with the cap off for long periods of time) it is more likely to cause skin irritation. Check out this dilution chart for diluting this essential oil properly.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (7)

This oil is generally safe to use if you are pregnant. Consult your doctor prior to use.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (8)

This essential oil is safe to use with kids age 2+.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (9)

This essential oil is generally safe to diffuse and use topically on cats. For more information on using essential oils with cats, check out this blog post.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (10)

This essential oil is generally safe to diffuse and use topically on dogs. For more information on using essential oils with dogs, check out this blog post.

We don’t recommend ingesting essential oils unless under the direction of a doctor certified in aromatherapy. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils check out this blog post.

*Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor. The statements given in this blog post have not been verified by the FDA

Final Thoughts On Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (11)

Black Pepper Essential Oilis necessary for any natural folk’s medicine cabinet. The earthy, musky aromas make this oil perfect for when you need a bit of comfort or want to add a punch of flavor to your favorite recipes. However, ensure you’ve got the good stuff—not all oils are created equally. If you want guaranteed purity and quality, we suggest picking up your next bottle fromSimply Earth.Black Pepper Essential Oilcan be used in an array of ways—from helping with respiration to aiding digestion—so it’s worth going the extra mile and getting it from the source.


  1. Cordell B, Buckle J. The effects of aromatherapy on nicotine craving on a U.S. campus: a small comparison study. 2013 Aug
  2. Duangjai A, Ingkaninan K, Praputbut S, Limpeanchob N. Black pepper and piperine reduce cholesterol uptake and enhance translocation of cholesterol transporter proteins. 2013 Apr
  3. Handan E, Ayse Sonay T, Ahmet A. Effect of topical application of black pepper essential oil on peripheral intravenous catheter insertion: A randomized controlled study. 2021
  4. İlhami Gülçin. The antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of black pepper (Piper nigrum) seeds. 2009 Jul
  5. Zuzanna B, Agnieszka S, David A, Łukasz O, Dorota B. Medicinal benefits from the use of Black pepper, Curcuma and Ginger. 2018 Jun
  6. Kaliyaperumal a, Muthusamy m, M. K. Dhanya, Arjun P, Thomas W. Phytochemistry and therapeutic potential of black pepper [Piper nigrum (L.)] essential oil and piperine: a review. 2021 Jun
Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipes - Simply Earth Blog (2024)


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