10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (2024)

Saving Money / Shopping

6 min Read

10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (1) Written by Angela Mae

10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (2) Edited by Molly Sullivan

10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (3)

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10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (5)

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10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (6)

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Frugal people have mastered the art of shopping smart, maximizing every dollar and saving money. And one of the best ways to do just that is to shop at yard sales.

Of course, not everything you find at a yard sale is going to be worth the purchase. Even if the price tag is extremely low, it’s still important to view each item with a keen eye and have a purpose in mind for whatever you buy. That way, you’re truly getting the most for your money.

If you’re trying to save money, shopping at local yard sales is a solid strategy. Here are some things frugal people always buy at yard sales.


“Yard sales can be a great way to pick up bargains on secondhand items,” said Scott Lieberman, founder of Touchdown Money.

One of the most popular finds at these places is toys.

“Kids are notoriously fickle with toys. Instead of buying new, you can get a reasonably used toy, clean it and have it until your kids grow out of it,” Lieberman said. “Games and puzzles can work this way too.”


Furniture is another big one.

“If you are in need of anything from a coffee table, to a dresser, to bookshelves, hitting up some yard sales first is always a smart way to save money,” said Carter Seuthe, yard sale enthusiast and CEO of Credit Summit Debt Consolidation. “You can often find great furniture pieces for a fraction of the price since sellers are just trying to get these items off their hands without having to transport them.”

Be wary of used furniture like beds, couches or armchairs, though. These pieces might be cheap, but they can also carry all sorts of bacteria or even bedbugs.


You’d be surprised at the quality of kitchenware you can find at yard sales — for a fraction of the cost. Whether you’re looking for cast iron skillets, ceramic dishes or small kitchen tools like garlic peelers, you can find it all at these places.

Of course, these items will be lightly used. But if they’re in good condition, you can generally find some great deals on them.


“As long as the pages aren’t ripped, it always makes sense to buy secondhand books,” Lieberman said.

New hardcover books can easily cost $15 to $30 each. Even paperbacks can run you $10 to $20, if not more. At a yard sale, you can get books for only a few dollars or less.


Tools, especially power tools, can be expensive when purchased new. At places like Home Depot and Lowe’s, you can easily spend several hundred dollars on tool sets. And if you’re going for more specialty tools, prices can be even higher.

If you’re living frugally, you’re likely looking for tools at yard sales. Even used, many of these still have quite a lot of value and function as they’re meant to. Be sure to check for any signs of wear and tear — like frayed cords or loose parts. Keep in mind that older tools might also lack the newer technology of new ones.

Weight Sets

Weight sets can be expensive even if you’re shopping at places like Target. There, a basic hand weight set costs about $50. You can find steep discounts on weight sets at yard sales.

“Weights don’t suffer any drop in quality when someone uses them,” Lieberman said. “A free weight set at a yard sale can be a major bargain.”

Home Décor and Other Furnishings

If you’re trying to live frugally and still decorate your home, you can save money by shopping at yard sales for things like lamps, wall art and vases.

Not only are these items generally cheaper than what you’d find anywhere else, but they’re also often unique — meaning you won’t have the same things on display that your friends or neighbors do.


You can find lightly worn or even new clothes at yard sales. This could be because the original owner is trying to clear out their closet or make room for new items. Or it could be that the garment is no longer their style, or never was to begin with.

Whatever the case, shopping for secondhand clothes at a yard sale is generally a cost-effective way to get what you need. Sometimes, you can even find name-brand apparel, shoes or accessories.

Outdoor Apparel and Gear

Shopping for some high-quality outdoor gear? Look no further than yard sales.

“Take for example, camouflage wear! It’s not uncommon to stumble upon barely worn or even untouched camouflage clothing hidden among yard sale finds,” said John VanDerLaan, a yard sale enthusiast and founder of Deer Hunting Guide. “Then there are hunting tools. The array of hunting essentials like tree stands and calls available at yard sales can be quite astonishing.”

VanDerLaan suggested other types of outdoor gear for the frugal shoppers, too.

“Yard sales are gold mines for general hunting gear, including durable backpacks, portable cookers, and high-quality binoculars,” he said.

Gardening Supplies

Gardening supplies and basic equipment are another great find at yard sales.

“I have bought gardening equipment from shovels, to pots, to spades, and more from yard sales over the years,” said Jeremy Yamaguchi, frugal shopper and the CEO of Lawn Love. “The cost of these kinds of products can add up quickly if you are building your collection from scratch, so it can be helpful to check out yard sales for secondhand options first to save some money.”

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10 Things Frugal People Always Buy at Yard Sales To Save Money (2024)


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